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Advanced CV Early Assignment


The early assignment (Assignment 0) is divided into two parts:

  1. Coding Warmup: In the first part of the assignment, you will run through the following colab notebooks and then aggregate them together for something new.
  1. Theory Questions: In the second part of the assignment, you will need to download this pdf early_assignment_theory and finish all the questions.

We highly recommend this linear algebra review and reference. Linear Algebra Review

Submission Instructions

For the theory questions, following the instructions in the PDF file and submit your latex typeset answers as a single PDF. You may use the following course template for theory answers.

All assignments that involve writing are to be typset using LaTeX. this is not a suggestion, submissions in any other format (Handwritten notes, MS Word documents, etc.) are not graded.

For the coding warmup, submit a notebook of your results (as an .ipynb file). Kindly ensure that all outputs are visible in the notebook, marks will be deducted if outputs are missing.

Both assignments are due at 6:00PM on 9/12/24. Please submit them on Gradescope (Course Entry Code: TBA)